Grant Writing and Reporting

We are experts in the art of crafting successful applications based on both your needs and the funder’s requirements. We provide full-service options for developing applications and letters of inquiry, as well as editing options for clients who prefer to draft their own applications. We ensure that applications meet all eligibility requirements and comply with the funder’s requirements.

While writing grant applications, we also work with clients to conduct background research, develop the required performance measures, logic models (as needed), and project budgets. The final product clearly demonstrates to funders that their money will be well managed and that project impacts will be clear and measurable.

We can also support you to fulfill your grant reporting obligations and to develop the data collection tools needed to do so. We work alongside you to write compelling reports that detail the activities and impact achieved through your funded work.

Our clients also benefit from our monthly grant writing tips which are accessible for free here.

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Let’s Grow Your Grants, Together!

Over $98.25 million Raised Since 2018